Saturday, August 19, 2017

Eclipse on the First Day of School!

Welcome back to school, students!

Just so you know how cool it is to attend our school, 
we have scheduled something 
really special
for the first day of school.

Not only do we have a minimum day 
(school gets out at 12:06),
but we also have a solar eclipse scheduled 
in the middle of the school day!

Even NASA has gotten in on the action. 
Read what they have to say about the eclipse here.

Wear your special eclipse glasses to avoid permanent damage to your eyes.
This is important!
The school will supply them; 
you have to follow the directions.

This photo comes from a site that sells these glasses.
They also offer safety information. Click here.

It's always important to have a good soundtrack.
Here's an eclipse song from the 90s.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Chico Junior must have some real pull scheduling the eclipse for the first day of school. I can't wait to see what they schedule for next year!
    I hope you have an amazing day, my friend.


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